Pilot Test Services

Comprehensive offsite testing infrastructure and our mobile pilot fleet de-risk your project

A meaningful bench or pilot test can lead to the highest investment returns (ROI) in water treatment. Before making a purchase decision, avail of Saltworks' test services for process optimization studies and pilots. We ensure that you receive the correct solution, and that you get the chance for a test drive.

Make the Right Decisions

Not all projects require a bench or pilot test, especially when the water chemistry and solutions are well-known. For other projects, a small upfront investment in testing and/or piloting can yield substantial benefits.

Testing and piloting turn ‘unknowns’ into ‘knowns’ which can be managed. They facilitate a thorough, competitive review of alternative solutions, and cost-optimization of the best pathway before detailed design and implementation. 

Photo of a tented Saltworks zero liquid discharge evaporative crystallizer pilot in a desert landscape
Photo of a Saltworks engineer inspecting a BrineRefine chemical reactor system used in the treatment of a specific ion of concern

Intelligent Testing for Clients

Saltworks offers extensive bench testing and pilot services to our clients. Ee have imported waters from around the world for testing at our facility. 

  • We take chain of custody, including safe disposal of by-products.
  • We share data and employ qualified 3rd party laboratories
  • We deliver a detailed report to inform decision-making.

Short lab tests are easy, and some are representative, but others are done under ideal conditions and do not consider continuous unattended operation, energy, or hiccups. 

On-site pilot tests force vendors to prove their claims. Measure our performance on delivery, safety, uptime, costs, and meeting treatment goals. Our mobile pilot plants can be dispatched to your site, complete with operators.

Customized Pilot Plants

Our pilots are mobile and containerized, fully automated, supported by expert dispatch/operation teams, and representative of full-scale plants. We have pilot assets covering almost all unit operations. We arrange them à la carte to meet your project needs or custom-develop new pilot plants, coupled with our engineering services.

If considering competing alternatives, challenge all vendors to prove their performance claims, in a competitive pilot with 24/7 operation. 

Contact us to learn more about improving your ROI and reducing project risk through our test services and pilot assets. 

Photo of an XtremeRO pilot onsite in Southeast Asia

Learn more about the Lithium Test Center: 24/7 in-house mini-refineries staffed by experts.

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